Have you ever been in a situation where one of your customers placed a purchase order (PO) for items you don’t keep in inventory at your current location but do at another of your locations? In most systems, this is a scenario that requires many transactions to get the goods delivered to your warehouse and, ultimately, to your customer. Luckily, setting up intercompany transactions in Sage Enterprise Management (Sage X3) is easy. First, you need to create the customer PO, then create a PO to your other warehouse to request the goods from them. Then, they need to create their own sales order (SO) to pick, pack, and ship the required good(s). Without entering the corresponding customer PO number on all documents, you will lose traceability and not know how each transaction ties together. In some instances, you may receive these parts and not know why or who was meant to receive them. With Sage Enterprise Management, however, creating these transactions (PO to...
Recopilación de trucos e información para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Sage X3 que pertenecen a otros autores y algunos propios