Sometimes, the developer may require finding the action and function code in coding part. Following example shows how this done in Sage Enterprise Management. In this example, three buttons are added in purchase order window (OPOH) and mapped with three different processes using same process code.
All -> Development -> Script Directory
Add same process code “SPEYACTION” for three actions “YACTION1”, “YACTION2” and “YFUNCCODE”.
All -> Development -> Script Directory -> Actions
Write these codes in specific process.
Once we have added buttons and actions successfully, then we will have to validate purchase order entry transactions. Button has added in purchase order window successfully as shown. To check go to Orders in Sage Enterprise Management:
All -> Purchasing -> Orders
Now when we click on button then it should give us action code and function code as shown below.
Button Action Code-1 should give “YACTION1”
Button Action Code-1 should give “YACTION2”
Button Function Code should give “GESPOH” (Purchase order function code is GESPOH)