- Value Char XGTRACE
- Local Char WNAME(250)
- If left$(XGTRACE,2)="#@" & (GBROWS | GSERVEUR)
- WNAME = ""
- Elsif max(instr(1,XGTRACE,"/"),instr(1,XGTRACE,"\"),instr(1,XGTRACE,"@"))
- Else
- WNAME = filpath("TRA",XGTRACE,"tra")
- Endif
- If filinfo(WNAME,0)=0
- WNAME = ""
- Endif
Fstat fstat is a numeric status that is returned upon execution of a database operation, a sequential file operation, or a lock instruction. Syntax fstat Examples # MYTABLE is a table with a key called KEY1, that has a unique component called KEYVAL # Create a record in the table MYTABLE with they key value 1 if it doesn't exist Local File MYTABLE [MYT] Read [MYT]KEY1=1 If fstat [MYT]KEYVAL=1 : Write [MYT] If fstat MSG="The key was created in the mean time" Else MSG="Key created" Endif Else MSG="Key already exists" Endif Details fstat is always set to '0' if the operation is successfully completed, and has a non-null value if there is an error: In a sequential read ( Getseq and Rdseq ), fstat is set to '1' at the end of the file. On Lock , fstat is set to '1' if the lock could not be performed. For a database operation ( Read , Look , Readlock , For , Write , ...