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Link is used to define joins between database tables to access, with single abbreviation, these tables with one Read or For instruction.


  • MAINCLASS identifies the main table from where the joins are done. It is the table that has the lowest level of details. The table must have been declared previously.
  • LINK_LIST is a list of LINK_CONDITIONs separated by commas. At least one, and at most 11 LINK_CONDITIONs can be given. Up to 12 tables can be together in a Linksyntax.
  • LINKCLASS is the abbreviation to the join. A Read or a For on this abbreviation will perform the join and get the data.
  • WHERE_CONDITION is a filtering condition. For more information, see the Where documentation.
  • ORDER_EXPRESSION is an ordering clause. For more information, see the Order By documentation.
  • LINK_CONDITION has the following syntax:
  • CLASS is the abbreviation of the table in which a join is done. This table must already have been opened.
  • KEY_NAME is a key of this table.
  • INDEX_VALUE is an integer expression that returns the number of components used to define the join.
  • EXPRESSION_LIST is a list of EXPRESSIONs separated by semicolons.
  • EXPRESSION is an expression that might include constants, variable available in the context that will be evaluated and considered as constants, and columns of the main table or other tables that have already been joined in the join list.
With the syntax using =, the join done is a left outer join. With the syntax using ~=, the join done is an inner join (which is preferable, from a performance point of view, when possible).


   # First simple example
   # Access to X3 customer table and to information related to the creation user (that still exists)

   # Second example
    Access to X3 customer, to creation user information and to modification user (when it exists)

   # Third example (not based on standard Sage ERP X3 tables) 
   # Let's imagine we have a sales history table called HISTORY [HIS]
   # In this table, we store the key of the customer HISCUST, the key of the product HISPROD
   # and the key of a salesrep HISREP (not always filled)
   # The other tables we want to perform a join with are:
   # CUSTOMER [CUST] table: a main key CUSKEY (1 component CUSTCODE). It includes a COUNTRY code (COUNTRY)
   # PRODUCT [PROD] table: a main key PROKEY (1 component PROCODE)
   # SALESREP [SREP] table: a main key PROKEY (1 component PROCODE)
   # PRODDES [PRDE] table: product description per language. The key PRODES has 2 components (PRO,LANG)
   # The product descriptions are not necessarily available for all the languages
   # COUNTRY [COUN] table: a main key COUNKEY (1 component COUNCODE). Includes a language code (LANCODE).
   # CONDITION is a string that has been transmitted by a calling script. Every column of one of the joined
   # tables can possibly be present there
  # The link is here a unique instruction (this is why we have an '&' at the beginning of the next lines)
  # The order in which the join condition are given is important:
  # The join on [COUN] cannot be done before the join on [CUST] because it requires a column from [CUST]
  # The join on [PRDE] requires a column from [COUN] and can therefore not be done before [COUN] and [CUST]
   Link [HIS] With
&  As [HISLNK]
&  Where evalue(CONDITION)
  # Now we can use it
    For [HISLNK]KEYHIS(1) Where [CUST]COUNTRY="USA" and [PROD]CATEG=1: # Combines with CONDITION
      # In this loop, we have [HIST], [CUST], [SREP], [COUN], [PRDE] on line
      # A loop is performed for every distinct HISTDATE
      For [HISLNK]KEYHIS(2)
        # A loop is performed for a given HISTDATE, for every distinct customer CATEGORY
        For [HISLNK]KEYHIS(3)
          # A loop is performed for a given HISTDATE and customer CATEGORY, for every distinct CUSKEY
          For [HISLNK]KEYHIS(4)
          # A loop is performed for a given HISTDATE,CATEGORY,CUSKEY, for every distinct PROKEY
            For [HISLNK]KEYHIS
              # A loop is performed for every record having the same HISDATE,CATEGORY,CUSKEY,PROKEY
              # [CUST]NAME, [PROD]NAME, [SREP]NAME are available here


Link is used to define a set of joins between a main table and additional tables, specifying any selection and sort criteria. It is also meant to define an abbreviation (that will be called the link abbreviation) to access all these tables with a single Read or For instruction. The main table and the linked tables must first have been opened with a Local File instruction.


  • You cannot perform a WriteRewriteUpdate or Delete instruction on an abbreviation opened with a Link.
  • The main file abbreviation and the linked table abbreviations can still be used to access independently the corresponding tables (in read or write mode) using their keys. However, only a read or a loop performed on the link abbreviation will load all the data related to the tables in the join.
  • The columns read in the join are by default all the columns of the different tables. They are in the different [F] classes for every table in the join. There is no [F] nor [G] class associated with the link abbreviation.
  • By default, a select * is done and this might bring a lot of columns if a lot of tables are in the join. To have better performances, it is recommended to use the Columns instruction to have restrictions on the returned result, especially if For loops are done on joins made on large tables.
  • The Order By clause in Link is used to define (or redefine) the sorting order on the join when the link abbreviation is used. For more information about Order By, refer to the corresponding documentation.
  • The keys that can be used with the Link abbreviation are:
    • The key defined in the 'Order By' clause in Link (if there is one).
    • The key defined in the 'Order By' clause for the file, for the main file (if there is one), or the last Filter performed on this file.
    • One of the keys defined for the main table.
  • The Where clause in Link is used to filter the lines returned from the join. It can include conditions on all the columns included in the Link. It adds an additional restriction to any Where clauses defined on the tables in the join. For more information about Where, and to know the functions and operators used, refer to the Where documentation.
  • When a left outer join is performed, the tables for which no records have been found are filled with "empty" values (empty string, null numeric values and dates). Make sure that these empty values (empty strings) are, from a SQL point of view, null values, and the Sage ERP X3 engine does not make a difference. A conflict would be the following example:
    Link [HIS] With [SREP]REPKEY   = [HIST]HISTREP  As [HHH] Where [SREP]FIELD=""

    If you consider this request, it will return only the [HIS] lines that are linked with a [SREP] line for which the [SREP]FIELD is empty, and not the [HIS] lines that are not linked on [SREP] (ie. the difference between strict and outer join). These lines are not considered because [SREP]FIELD, from a SQL point of view, is a null value and not an empty string.
  • The abbreviation used for the link must not have been used by an already opened table (it would throw an error). The behavior of Link is the same as that of a Local File.
  • Up to 8 different links may be defined for a given main table. Of course, this limit can be overwritten if the main table is opened two times with different abbreviations.
  • Constants can be used in a definition of a link, for example:
    Link [CUST] With [STA]STATCODE=1;[CUST] As [STC]
  • Links can be done on the same table if opened with two different abbreviations.
  • A link may only be defined on tables located on the same server.
  • A filter may be defined, with Filter on the link abbreviation, on a join.
  • The order in which the links are declared can be important, depending on the database. See the following example:
    Link [A] with [B]KEY1=[A]FIELD1,
    &               [C]KEY2=[B]FIELD2,
    &               [D]KEY3=[C]FIELD3;[A]FIELD1
    &               As [E]

    With SQL server, it is important to mention the link to [D] after the link to [C] because the join expression refers to a [C] field. With Oracle, you can switch the lines and the database will still be able to perform the following join:
    Link [A] with [D]KEY3=[C]FIELD3;[A]FIELD1,
    &               [C]KEY2=[B]FIELD2,
    &               [B]KEY1=[A]FIELD1
    &               As [E]

Associated errors

Error codeDescription
7A linked table is not opened.
20The main abbreviation is a link abbreviation.
21The key does not exist on a linked table.
28Abbreviation already used in a link condition.

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