The "Views" function in X3V6 create a SQL view in the database, which by nature does not take parameter.
If you are trying to execute sql queries on the fly in your action process, you should be able to do so with keyword "SQL" .
If you are trying to execute sql queries on the fly in your action process, you should be able to do so with keyword "SQL" .
for example:
Local Char REQUEST(255)
REQUEST="select X.PQHNUM_0 from PQUOTAT X where X.PQHFCY_0 LIKE '%" + [M:XXX]FCY + "%' "
For (Integer NUM) From "5" Sql REQUEST As [ZPQ]
Infbox num$([F:ZPQ]PQHNUM)
REQUEST="select X.PQHNUM_0 from PQUOTAT X where X.PQHFCY_0 LIKE '%" + [M:XXX]FCY + "%' "
For (Integer NUM) From "5" Sql REQUEST As [ZPQ]
Infbox num$([F:ZPQ]PQHNUM)
Please note that the number "5" referring to a SQL database while "3" referring to a Oracle database. For you more information, you can do a search on "SQL" in the X3 help file.
Mike Tsai