Fuente original: http://online-help.sageerpx3.com/erp/12/wp-static-content/static-pages/en_US/v7dev/getting-started_v7.1-to-current-quick-upgrade-guide.html
This document explains how to upgrade an existing Enterprise Management solution to the latest version release.
Caution: Before you perform the upgrade, make sure you:
- Contact your local Sage Sales office in order to get your new license.
- Perform a full backup of your system.
Updating the Management Console
Run the safex3 console installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3Console folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
Note that the Management Console can only be installed on platforms running the Windows Operating System.
Note that the Management Console can only be installed on platforms running the Windows Operating System.
Caution: If the prior version of the Management Console belongs to the "EMP V1" generation (for example, CFG.124), you have to unistall it first.
Updating the Main Runtime
Caution: Before the update, make sure that the batch server and the accounting tasks are disabled, and that there is no other active session connected to the X3 server.
- Run the safex3 runtime installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3Runtime folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
- Select Modify installation.
- Select the installation path of the existing runtime component.
On platforms running the Windows Operating System, the update mode detects all existing runtime components and it lists them in a display panel with their corresponding paths. Select the runtime component you want to upgrade and follow the rest of the process.
Updating the X3 Application
- Run the erpx3 appserver installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SageX3Application folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
- Select Modify installation.
- Select the installation path of the existing X3 application.
On platforms running the Windows Operating System, the update mode detects all existing X3 applications and it lists them in a display panel with their corresponding paths. Select the X3 application you want to upgrade and follow the rest of the process.
Note: The update can take up to 30 minutes.
Updating the "Full" or "Test" additional Runtimes
Update the additional runtimes if any was previously installed.
Updating the Print Server
- Run the safex3 printserver installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3PrintServer folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
The Print Server can only be installed on platforms running the Windows Operating System. - Select the installation path of the existing Print Server component.
The update mode detects the correct repository and finishes the update process.
Updating the Java Bridge component
Perform this step only if the Java Bridge component was previously installed.
- Run the safex3 javabridge installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3BridgeJava folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
- Select Modify installation.
- Select the installation path of the existing Java Bridge component.
The update mode detects the correct repository and finishes the update process.
Updating the webservice and ADC server component
- Run the safex3 javaweb installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3WebServices folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
- Select Modify installation.
- Select the installation path of the existing webservice and ADC server component.
On platforms running the Windows Operating System, the update mode detects the correct repository and finishes the update process.
Caution: You need to specify a user/password with rights to create and modify a service, as well as the passphrase that was initially used during the first installation of the component.
Updating Elastic Search
- Run the safex3 elasticsearch installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3ElasticSearch folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
- Select Modify installation.
- Select the installation path of the existing Elastic Search component.
On platforms running the Windows Operating System, the update mode detects all existing Elastic Search components and lists them in a display panel with their corresponding path. Select the Elastic Search component you want to upgrade and follow the rest of the process. - Confirm the path of the Java Development Kit update.
Updating MongoDB server
The MongoDB server should be in version 3.0 (or above) for better performances.
- Up to version 7.1 of Enterprise Management, there is no automatic installer for MongoDB server. Download it from the MongoDB website and install it manually.
- From update 8 of Enterprise Management, the installation of MongoDB can be done automatically.
We recommend that you update MongoDB with the automatic procedure.
Note: If you initially installed MongoDB manually, you have to perform a new installation using a different mongoDB port than before. Make sure you select Import and initialize db with data from another instance to retrieve the administration data from the previous database.
If you still want to manually install it, refer to the MongoDB installation guide to upgrade your installation.
If you initially installed MongoDB automatically, simply modify the installation.
Note: Make sure the "agent sage Syracuse" and "sage Syracuse" services are stopped before updating MongoDB.
Updating the "Syracuse" web component
- Run the safex3 syracuse installer file located in the SafeX3Installs\SafeX3Syracuse folder of the 2019R1 DVD-ROM.
- Select Modify installation.
- Select the installation path of the existing "Syracuse" web component.
Caution: You need to specify a user/password with rights to create and modify a service, as well as the passphrase that was initially used during the first installation of the component.
Note: The update process launches a series of scripts that initialize the MongoDB database with the data required for the administration of Enterprise Management, as well as the administration of the menu pages by the "Syracuse" node server. The component update can take up to 30 minutes.
Reconfiguring the components of the solution with the Management Console
- In the Management Console, load the solution and click Application to reconfigure the application and runtime.
This operation can take 30 minutes or more. - Reconfigure "Full" and "Test" additional runtimes, if any was installed in the previous version.
- Reconfigure the print server.
- Reconfigure the Java Bridge component, if it was installed in the previous version.
- Reconfigure the webservice and ADC server component, if it was installed in the previous version.
Updating the license
Before you update the license, you have to launch the supervisor update function. To do that:
- Log in to the "Syracuse" web server with a super administrator account.
- Connect to the root folder X3 endpoint in the Welcome panel.
- An error message is displayed: "The product Enterprise Management is only licensed until 11 but 2019R1 is requested".
You can then update the license:
- Go to Administration > Licenses > License upload.
- Option 1:
- Click Select file.
- Locate the license file on your server or local repository and select it.
- Click Open.
The file is uploaded and a document icon appears in the Upload panel indicating that the license is ready to be uploaded. - Click Upload license.
- Option 2
- Open the license file with a text editor.
- Copy/paste the content of the file in the Content block.
- Click Upload license.
Personalizing and initializating the menus
- Log in to the "Syracuse" web server with a super administrator account.
- Connect to the root folder X3 endpoint in the Welcome panel.
- Click the Personalization and Menus intialization from X3 folder (on the right panel).
Wait until the end of the import.
Updating the supervisor
- Log in to the "Syracuse" web server with a super administrator account.
- Connect to the root folder X3 endpoint in the Welcome panel.
- Go to Setup > Users > Users (GESAUS).When entering the function, the message Supervisor installation is displayed.
When leaving the function, the message Supervisor update is displayed, meaning that the Supervisor update is done.
Updating the privileges of the ADX_SYS role (Only for upgrades from V7, or U8 patch 3 or lower)
For Unix-Oracle
- Connect as a user who has DBA rights on the concerned database using a command line.
- Go to the Runtime directory of the solution:
"cd /Patch_Runtime/runtime" (with "Patch_Runtime" corresponding to the Runtime installation complete path) - Run the .profile command to get the available environment variables: ". ./.profile"
- Go to the ebin runtime directory: "cd ebin"
- Run the update command:
"sqlplus system/manager @update_SYS_role_17R301.sql X3 >$ADXDIR/tmp/update_SYS_role_17R301.log" - Check the content of the log file to make sure there are no errors:
"cat $ADXDIR/tmp/update_SYS_role_17R301.log"
For Windows-Oracle
- On the server, run the following command:
"path_Runtime\ebin\Update_Role_17r3xx.bat path_Runtime" (with "patch_Runtime" corresponding to the Runtime installation complete path) - Check the content of the log file to make sure there are no errors.
This file is located in the runtime tmp directory.
Applying the list of patches
If there is a zip file in the SageX3Patch directory of the installation support:
- Go to Administration > Utilities > Update > Updates and click Add an update.
- Upload the zip file located in the SageX3Patch directory.
Refer to Updates Management for more information.
Revalidating the child folders
To finalize the update, every child folder needs to be revalidated:
- Log in to the "Syracuse" web server with a super administrator account.
- Connect to the root folder X3 endpoint in the Welcome panel.
- Go to Setup > General Parameters > Folders (GESADS).
- Check the settings and save the definition of every folder except X3 and SEED.
You have to save each folder definition as the folder revalidation cannot be done afterwards.
For the Save button to be accessible, you need to enter each folder, make a change and then cancel it. - Click Validation to launch the folders revalidation.
You can select several folders and add them in the Folder validation grid to process them at the same time.
Caution: Before confirming your choice, be aware that the folders revalidation can last for several hours, depending on the number and the settings of the selected folders. - Option 1:
Click OK on the right-hand panel to trigger the revalidation process.
Selected folders are successively processed. - Option 2:
- Click Deferred on the right-hand panel.
- Select the date and time for the process launch.
- Click OK
- On the Folder validation page, click OK again.
The deferred folder revalidation query is generated and transmitted to the server.
You can verify, update or delete the query in Usage > Batch server > Query management (AREQUETE). The deferred revalidation query is identified by a number and by its root folder X3, and associated to task code "VALDOS".
- Option 3:
- If all folders have already been saved as stated in Option 2, go to Usage > Batch server > Query management (AREQUETE).
- Locate the queries with task code "VALDOS".
- Select the date and time, and click Validation on the right-hand panel.
- Select the folders that have to be revalidated.
- Click OK on the right-hand panel.
A new deferred folder revalidation query is generated, and the corresponding new entry is added to the Query management grid list.
After revalidation, the folders are up to date in 2019R1, and are ready to use.
Managing the SEED folder upgrade
You can manage the SEED folder upgrade in one of two ways:
- Keep the existing 7.1 SEED folder and install the 2019R1 SEED folder:
- Unzip the 2019R1 SEED folder directories in a folder with a different name.
- Copy these directories in the appropriate directories of the application.
- Import the 2019R1 new SEED folder with the console.
- Make sure you revalidate the existing 7.1 SEED folder.
- Delete the existing 7.1 SEED folder and install the 2019R1 SEED folder:
- Delete all existing database objects related to the SEED user (tables, indexes, sequences, etc.) with a database management tool.
- Delete the SEED and X3_PUB directories located in the application folder directory.
- Delete the SEED folder definition in Setup > General Parameters > Folders (GESADS). Reinstall the SEED folder from the 2019R1 DVD-ROM, following the standard procedure.
Note: It is technically possible to overwrite the SEED folder but this method is not certified by Sage because it could cause unexpected issues in the usage of the folder.
Refreshing the browser cache
Clean your browser cache by pressing [Ctrl + F5] after logging in to Enterprise Management.
Updating the search index
It is recommended to execute the search re-indexation for each endpoint after the upgrade.
- Go to Administration > Usage > Search Index Management.
- Select the data source endpoint to index.
- Enter the Locale for which the index must be updated.
- Select Delete index before update.
- Click Update index.