Origen: https://www.sagecity.com/support_communities/sage_erp_x3/b/sageerp_x3_product_support_blog/posts/how-to-call-an-external-rest-web-services-in-classic-functions Autor: Ali Esfahani In this blog, I like to show an example of how you can call an External/Outgoing REST web services in a classic function. Before we get to the example , the API used for this is called ASYRRESTCLI and the function used is EXEC_REST _WS. So if you search our online help for ASYRRESTCLI you will see below. Please note that this is just a simple example(there might be other ways to accomplish this). The external API call is going to a free JSON API http://fixer.io/ ( you can read more about this API by visiting their website) The requirement presented for this example is that we like to have a button in Purchase order entry that shows the current exchange rates. Open Administration, Administration, Web Services, Rest web services. Click on New REST web service ...
Recopilación de trucos e información para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Sage X3 que pertenecen a otros autores y algunos propios