Fuente de datos:
We come across the scenario, where we will use POSTMAN software tool to examine the working of external API. Postman is a simple GUI for sending HTTP requests and viewing responses. REST services are available in sage x3 that returns data in a JSON format. In this blog, we are going to visualize the mapping of fields from postman to x3 Rest web services.
Example: In Postman IDE,
1.HTTP Request — Request is the simplest way possible to make http calls.
HTTP Request contains of Request Method, Request URL, Authorization, Request Header, Request Body.
a. Request Method: Request method defines the type of request to be made. There are mainly four request methods, used for creating/updating, retrieving and deleting data.
- POST Request — For Creating Or Updating data
- PUT Request — For Updating data
- GET Request — For Retrieving/Fetching data
- DELETE Request — For Deleting data.
Choose Post Method, A POST request is a method that is used when we need to send some additional information inside the body of the request to the server.
b. Request URL:URL to make the http request. Enter the complete URL on URL field.
c. Authorization: An authorization token, included with requests, is used to identify the requester. Select the Basic Auth on Type field and enter valid Username and Password.
d. Request Header: In request headers it contains key-value of the application.
Content-Type — A content-type describes the format of object data. Content-type, i.e., application/json which is used for the requests and responses
e. Request Body: Body Field contains the data, depends on type of request method, to be sent with request, raw form of data is used for sending request.
“job” :”scientist”
2.HTTP Response — On click of Send Button, Response will display in JSON Format.
In X3:Create REST Web services
Navigational Path: All->Administration->Administration->Rest Web services
Name Field : Enter any user defined field
Base URL : Enter the domain name of the URL
Example: Enter only domain name: http://reqres.in from full path: http://reqres.in/api/users
Content-Type: Choose Json
Authentication: Choose Basic Authentication and Enter credentials ,Username and password used for authenticate the API
Parameters: PARAM tab in postman is mapped with Parameters fields in X3 as Key value Pair
In X3:Below Code Snippet to call external API
##Declaration of Variables used in executing RestWebservice##
LOCAL CHAR YAPI(250),YURI(250),PCOD(100)(1..100),
##Declaring Header ,Method and Path of URL through Code
HCOD(1) = “Authorization”
HVAL(1) = ‘”X3User:UserX3″‘
HCOD(2) = “Content-Type”
HVAL(2) = ‘”application/json”‘
YAPI = ‘CreateID’
YURI = ‘/api/users’
YREQBODY = ‘{“name”: “Kalam”,”job”: “scientist”}’
##Call EXEC_REST_WS Method from ASYRRESTCLI library function
Explanation of Code snippet:
Header is specified in Key-value pair, Header should contain authorization and content-type details.
Assign the variable HCOD(1)- Header code of array index 1 to Authorization.
Assign the variable HVAL(1) -Header variable of array index 1 to username and password separated with Colon.
Assign the variable HCOD(2)- Header code of array index 2 to Content-type.
Assign the variable HVAL(2)- Header variable of array index 2 to application/Json.
Assign the variable YMTD-Type of Method used to string value “POST”
Assign the variable YAPI -REST web service Name to ” CreateID “
Assign the variable YURI with the remaining part of URL
just declare Response body variable
and Assign the YREQBODY variable to input
call EXEC_REST_WS function from ASYRRESTCLI library with all required parameters and will return status code as integer value which shows success or failure and result json format is stored in YRESBODY Variable.
If there is an requirement of sending Username and password directly through code without passing in REST webservices. Explanation with scenario,
From Login authentication screen, if it is successful then pass those credentials to the REST web services through code, In that case Header variable should contain
Header Code HCOD(1) as “Authorization” and
Header Val HVAL(1) as ” Basic MTcwZWU5MmEyODOTo= “
String “Basic” followed by BASE 64 format of Username: Password
Refer the blog for the ASYRRESTCLI function and its parameters to be passed for the function
“The narration of function and its parameter used to call an external/outgoing REST web service from ASYRRESTCLI library”
Few List of Status Code and its description
1.200 -Successful request.
2.201 -Successful request and data was created.
3.204 -Empty Response.
4.400 -Bad Request.
5.401 -Unauthorized access
6.403 -Forbidden, Access denied.
7.404 -Data not found.
8.405 -Method Not Allowed or Requested method is not supported.
9.500 -Internal Server Error.
10.503 -Service Unavailable.
Response from API while executing the code above in X3.
This blog helps us to understand the mapping of fields from POSTMAN tool to X3 REST web services and code used to call an external API by using EXEC_REST_ES function by passing credentials in header variables.