FUENTE ORIGINAL: https://pluginx3.com/en/blog/post/sage-x3-silent-import-importsil-with-error-catching.html
You already know how to manually generate a CSV file in order to import it threw a template in Sage X3.
But If you wonder how to catch detailed errors after a silent import here is the solution.
Sometimes you need to catch the incoming errors in order to alert the end-user regarding an issue.
Closed period, wrong date etc ….
Unfortunalty the standard Sage X3 silent import function doesn’t natively show the detailed errors during the import process.
And the standard function ERR_IMPORT will only show the overall status of the importation and not the detailed errors.
IMPORTSIL function is pushing all the log data into a tracefile in order to avoid any popup on end-user screen.
So you have a log file available in order to search for errors in it.
Sage X3 runtime is using the same principals standards as any shell for loging informations
0001 = Errors output
0000 = Standard output
Let’s make an example :
1) 4GL Silent import call
Raz [M:IMP2] [M:IMP2]MODIMP = YAOENAME # Import Template Name [M:IMP2]NOMIMP = YTMPFILE # File Location and Name [M:IMP2]TYPEXP = 2 # Server
Call IMPORTSIL([M:IMP2]MODIMP,[M:IMP2]NOMIMP) From GIMPOBJ Call ERR_IMPORT([M:IMP2]STAT, YMESSAGE) From GIMPOBJ If [M:IMP2]STAT or GOK < 1 : YRESTA += 1 # Import Error Else : YRESTA = 0 : Endif # Import Successful If !GSERVEUR : Call FERME_TRACE From LECFIC : Endif |
2) Log reading
Openi filpath("TRA",GTRACE,"tra",0) Using [YTRA]
Local Char XLINE(100) Repeat Rdseq XLINE Using [YTRA] If left$(XLINE,5)="<0001" # This is an error Append YMESSAGE(YRESTA), right$(XLINE,6) : YRESTA += 1 Break Elsif find(left$(XLINE,11), "Création de") # This is OK [L]Y2_TSKNUM = right$(XLINE,13) Append YMESSAGE(YRESTA), [L]Y2_TSKNUM : YRESTA += 1 Endif Until fstat <> 0 Openi Using [YTRA] |