Fuente original del artículo: SAGEDEV
Let’s see today how to use time and date in Sage X3.
To get the current date in a Date variable, use the date$ function.
In the same way to have current date and time in a Datetime variable, use the datetime$ function (only from V7 release).
The established form to represent date and time with a string is:
Typically date and time have “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss” format
You can also perform simple operations:
An example:
To obtain a date as a string with a determined format:
December 31, 2018 at 12.30 and 56 seconds will correspond to “20181231_123056”.
Note that square brackets are used to insert a space or other constant elements:FORMAT = "DD[ ]MM[ ]YY"
To get the date and time as a formatted string, you can also use AFNC.FDH.
With this call it uses the formatting contained in the global variable GFMDAT.
Suppose that today is January 19, 2018, and GFMDAT contains “DD [/] MM [/] YY”
It should be remembered that there are several global variables containing formatting strings,
all preset according to the predefined parameters.
They are useful to maintain a standard that adapts according to various users, sites, etc.
The order day-month-year of these formats depends exactly on the location and user settings.
The variables are these:
GFMDAT = standard date, with 2 caratteri for the day, 2 for the month , 2 for the year
GFMDAT4 = date with year of 4-digit
GFMDAT3 = date with month of 3 letters
GFMDAT9 = date with month written in letters
GFMMOI = month-year
GFMMOI4 = month-year with year of 4-digit
GFMJOU = day-month