Fuente original: https://www.greytrix.com/blogs/sagex3/2012/01/20/how-to-invokeexecute-external-applications-from-within-sage-erp-x3/
Consider some instances when we may need to invoke an external application from within Sage X3. The best example for such a requirement would be to export data to an excel file or any other format and then open the same using excel or any other application.
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Here is how you can do that!
System CHAINE=’#@”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE”‘
System CHAINE='”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.EXE” “D:\Junk\Default Excel File.xls”‘ (Will open the Excel File “Default Excel File.xls”)
The above command line will open Microsoft Word Application and an Excel File. You can test your command line using Development -> Utilities -> Miscellaneous -> System Orders Option.
- The # represents the application server name if the server is # the application is launched on the client workstation.
- The command must be put in double quotes if there are spaces in the interior of the names.
- Please be aware that the application that you want to execute must be installed on the client, so it’s better to verify and then execute.
- Secondly executing such commands over the browser is impossible due to the challenges of windows security and firewall (We have not tested though).
Users can also run it in a Batch mode as well.