Origen de la fuente: https://www.sagecity.com/support_communities/sage_erp_x3/b/sageerp_x3_product_support_blog/posts/how-to-setup-a-workflow-to-email-invoice-to-customer-contact esfahani It's true that Sage ERP X3 has some number of add ons that you can take advantage to streamline emailing your documents to your customers, such as Sage ERP X3 EDD, EDM, PIA, but in standard Sage ERP X3, a workflow can be setup to email a single document like a Sales order invoice to a customer in an automatic way, by following below steps. (Screen shots are from V7) Open Setup, General parameters, Parameter values. Expand SUP chapter and click on Action button for the WRK Group. Verify that you have an email server entered for parameter SERMES. Click OK. Click on Action button for RPT Group. Verify that ASAIDEST parameter is set to No. Open Setup, Workflow, Workflow rules. Select...
Recopilación de trucos e información para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Sage X3 que pertenecen a otros autores y algunos propios