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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2023


FUENTE ORIGINAL: This solution is exploiting a security breach of the software and is not the standard way to do it. Keep in mind that Sage X3 is calling an external program called crystal report in order to print the reports. The communication between this softwares is not secured, and can be « hijacked » if you have access to the solution as partner or customer. This operation cannot be performed for external and untrusted ressources of the company. Problem : The management console is encrypting the database password field and nobody can help you to find it Pre-requisite : - You need to have access to Sage X3 folder with eclipse or script editor - Setup AIMP3 Entry point  Solution :  AIMP3 Entry point code : $ACTION Case  ACTION When  "PARAM" :  Gosub  RECOVERY Endcase Return $RECOVERY For  IT=1  To  NBPAR If   find ( left$ (PARAMETRE(IT),...


fuente original: The recent trend with cloud has several side effects, on Sage X3 debugger tools. Many Sage X3 consultants encounter several issues in order to connect their Eclipse and Sage X3 in debug mode. These issues are sometimes linked to network complexity, if you are fed up with “infbox” in the code here is the context and the workaround. Before: Eclipse and Sage X3 were in the same network and both software were able to communicate together easily. Same network, same router less restrictions regarding traffic Nowadays : With cloud computing, you have two different networks connected with a VPN and a lot of security that does not allow you to reach the debug port.  Two network, two firewall, two routers and different traffic rules on each side. 1)  Solve Sage X3 and Eclipse network issues Make sure firewall on both sides has rules that allows communication threw TCP port 10000 or the port you...


FUENTE ORIGINAL: You already know how to manually generate a CSV file in order to import it threw a template in Sage X3. But If you wonder how to catch detailed errors after a silent import here is the solution. Sometimes you need to catch the incoming errors in order to alert the end-user regarding an issue. Closed period, wrong date etc …. Unfortunalty the standard Sage X3 silent import function doesn’t natively show the detailed errors during the import process. Call IMPORTSIL([M:IMP2]MODIMP,[M:IMP2]NOMIMP) From GIMPOBJ And the standard function ERR_IMPORT will only show the overall status of the importation and not the detailed errors. IMPORTSIL function is pushing all the log data into a tracefile in order to avoid any popup on end-user screen. So you have a log file available in order to search for errors in it. Sage X3 runtime is using the same principals standards as any shell for log...

Sage X3 - Uso de ATEXTRA

 Fuente original: What is ATEXTRA ? ATEXTRA table exist since Adonix (1997) to store a part of translated text of the application. The weak point of this method is the size limitation, specificaly the maximum lenght of the boxes. It is not possible to store more than 80 characters for a box within this method. You can find usage example in [M:ITM0] and [M:ITM1] screen. Standard provides you 4 types of variable according to the lenght you need AX1 = max 12 Character AX2 = max 20 Character AX3 = max 30 Character AXX = max 80 Character, this type allow you to define the limit directly in the screen It is useless to input a lenght biger than 80 because you have a limitation in the ATEXTRA.src 4GL source code also and your text will be truncated How does the system store the translated data in ATEXTRA table ? CODFIC : Table concerned by the translation ZONE : Name of the screen box LANGUE :...