Fuente original: https://www.greytrix.com/blogs/sagex3/2018/07/22/how-to-popup-file-selection-window-in-sage-x3/ By Greytrix | July 22, 2018 0 Comment As you know, whenever we want to upload any file either in Sage X3 or in any programming, we get drop box from standard for file selection where we can select the file to be uploaded. As said, this pop up comes from standard. But, in Sage X3 we can pop up dropbox through our code, too. Sage X3 provides a special function to pop up dropbox for file selection. Below is the syntax: Syntax : Call COPSRV(FICCLI,FICSRV,ASTATUS) From ORDSYS where, FICSRV : Temporary path where the file will be stored ASTATUS : Returns an integer value 0 or 1. 0 : If file is selected ...
Recopilación de trucos e información para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Sage X3 que pertenecen a otros autores y algunos propios