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How to Popup File Selection Window in Sage X3

  Fuente original: By  Greytrix   |   July 22, 2018 0 Comment As you know, whenever we want to upload any file either in Sage X3 or in any programming, we get drop box from standard for file selection where we can select the file to be uploaded. As said, this pop up comes from standard. But, in Sage X3 we can pop up dropbox through our code, too. Sage X3 provides a special function to pop up dropbox for file selection. Below is the syntax: Syntax :   Call COPSRV(FICCLI,FICSRV,ASTATUS) From ORDSYS   where,   FICSRV : Temporary path where the file will be stored   ASTATUS : Returns an integer value 0 or 1.                    0  :  If file is selected                    1  :  If file is not selected Example :   Here, we pop up drop box for file selection using code. Refer below screenshot for snippet of code. code Output: file_upload file selection Hope this helps!
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How to skip entry transaction pop-up and select a default entry transaction?

  Fuente original: By  Greytrix   |   May 8, 2018 0 Comment You might have come across a situation where you might have to open a window via code. Here, if there are multiple entry transactions for the window, then the Entry Transaction Dialog will pop-up and would require the user to manually select the Entry transaction before the opening of the desired window. This can be avoided by setting the value of GFLAG after the standard action of “DEFTRANS”. Syntax: In the Specific Processing file for the Window, call the Standard action first and set the GFLAG variable with the desired transaction. In the below case the default transaction is set as “ALL”. Fig: Code Snippet Hope this blog helps!

Gestione file

FUENTE ORIGINAL = Jump to navigation Jump to search Contents 1 Dimensione dei file 2 Scrittura/Lettura 3 Cancellare 4 Creare cartella 5 Spostare 6 Copiare file esterni 7 Verifica presenza file e cartelle 8 Elenco file di una cartella 9 Estensione 10 Altri comandi 11 Caricamento 12 adxirs  e  adxifs Dimensione dei file [ edit ] Per sapere la dimensione di un file: filinfo(YFILEI,7) è anche un modo per sapere se il file esiste: If filinfo(YFILEI,7)<0 Infbox "File non trovato" End Endif Scrittura/Lettura [ edit ] Codice di esempio per la lettura/scrittura di file: Local Char YFILEI(250),YFILEO(250) Local Clbfile YETI(4) YFILEI = filpath("TMP\ETICHETTE",'Eti_Standard',"eti") If filinfo(YFILEI,7)<0 Infbox "File di input non trovato" End Endif YFILEO = filpath("TMP\ETICHETTE",'Etichetta', "txt") adxirs = ''

How to Invoke/Execute External Applications from within Sage X3

  Fuente original: By  Greytrix   |   January 20, 2012 0 Comment Consider some instances when we may need to invoke an external application from within Sage X3. The best example for such a requirement would be to export data to an excel file or any other format and then open the same using excel or any other application. Check product:  Sage CRM – Sage X3 Integration on Marketplace Here is how you can do that! System CHAINE=’#@”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE”‘ System CHAINE='”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.EXE” “D:\Junk\Default Excel File.xls”‘ (Will open the Excel File “Default Excel File.xls”) The above command line will open Microsoft Word Application and an Excel File. You can test your command line using  Development -> Utilities -> Miscellaneous -> System Orders Option . Notes: The  #  represents th

Accessing Sage ERP X3 using RF (Radio Frequency) Devices / VT220 Terminals

  Fuente original: Greytrix By  Greytrix   |   March 31, 2012 0 Comment Sage ERP X3 provides the ability to create stock transactions and production follow-up through Radio Frequency Terminals (RFT). RFT Devices connect to Sage ERP X3 using Terminal Server. Check Product :  Sage Enterprise Management Development Services Pre-requisites for accessing Sage ERP X3 using RF Devices Activate the Activity Code “ADC” Install Apache HTTP Server. Install Safe X3 Web Server. Configure Safe X3 Web Server using Sage X3 Console. Validating/Testing the Terminal Server Connection After successful installation of Safe X3 Web Server, start the Web Administration tool. In the Web Administration tool, go to the Terminal Server Tab and click on Configuration. This will list the Port and Host information for Terminal Server. In the Web Administration tool, go to the Terminal Server Tab a

What Ports are being used by the Sage X3 Solution

Fuente original: SAGE  Creado el  15 diciembre 2021  | Última modificación el  15 diciembre 2021 Resumen What Ports are being used by the Sage X3 Solution Descripción Causa Ports or network traffic may be blocked by an anti-virus Ports can be blocked by the router or firewall Solución   CAUTION:   This solution requires advanced knowledge of your network. Contact your system administrator for assistance. Modifying Windows security incorrectly can severely affect system operations. Sage is not  responsible for operation issues caused by incorrectly modifying your Windows security. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.   The X3 Console will also typically display port information for each X3 component. Some commonly used ports are listed in the table below Port Service Managed By  Server(typical 1433 SQL Instance Local System Database Server 80 Apache(X3

Creación nueva Propiedad módulo EDI (Importación)

  Fuente original: SAGE Created on 08-06-2020 / Last modified on 08-06-2020 Resumen Entorno: desde la versión 11. En este documento es una breve guía para adaptar un fichero EDI (de importación) donde viene un campo no previsto en la funcionalidad estándar y queremos incorporarlo a Sage X3. Por ejemplo, se recibe en una posición determinada del fichero CABPED.txt un código de 5 caracteres correspondiente al Departamento de Compra. Dicho código se quiere guardar en un campo llamado YDEPARTAMENT dentro de la Tabla SORDER. Además, este campo antes de introducirse en Sage X3 es necesario tratarlo de tal forma que se incorporará de esta forma: [